Gluten,dairy,egg-free dark brown cane sugar biscuit
1 minutes read | 132 words by Ruben BerenguelAlthough this looks like a all-free / no taste cake, it is wonderful. And of course, at it is gluten, dairy and egg free, almost everyone can eat it. What you will need:
- 1 measure soy yogurt
- 1 measure dark brown sugar (we used Tate&Lyle Dark Brown Sugar)
- 1 measure gluten-free flour
- 1/4 measure oil
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
Here measure depends on how much iogurt do you have. You can use the iogurt cuprs to make all measurements. Mix well all ingredients, pour into a baking pan and put in the oven, 200ºC for 1 hour. Check very often… it is hard to tell when it is finished. It should be hard on the outside and soft on the inside, without leaving any trace on a toothpick. Enjoy!
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