2022#18 Readings 🇺🇦🌻
2 minutes read | 390 words by Ruben BerenguelI have been busy. Hence the radio silence.
Also on holidays, then busy, then on holidays again. And kept busy.
🐦 The playbook for the incompetent leader
A thread by Shreyas Doshi which is pretty scary to read.
🐦 How to be a great remote manager
All of this applies the same to non-remote.
ClickHouse Kafka Engine Tutorial
It is surprisingly easy to plug ClickHouse to Kafka and query data from a topic instantly.
What’s actually going on with Google and Facebook hiring freezes? We surveyed 1000 engineers to find out
This was a very interesting analysis on people who are preparing for interviews at these companies.
Pub/Sub launches direct path to BigQuery for streaming analytics
Simplifications are good.
The Effects of Sleep Debt
This is an archived link to jump over the NYTimes paywall. This will make you reconsider your sleep habits.
The software engineer’s guide to the Amazon behavioral interview
I found this linked in an article about the hiring freezes at Google and Meta and I found it super-interesting, regardless of where you do your behavioral interview.
An Algorithm for Passing Programming Interviews
I think heaps are missing from the list. You can get away with BSTs, but heaps are so convenient.
Crimes with Python’s Pattern Matching
I’ve been waiting for a while for Hillel to post this one after seeing the newsletter post earlier.
Understanding Jane Street
From the post:
Jane Street is a quantitative prop-trading firm, i.e. they use their internal capital to make markets in liquid assets around the world, balancing completely automated strategies with human intervention.