Blog details
Updated by Ruben Berenguel onHere are some details of the tools used to build and keep this blog.
- The engine is the static site generator Hugo
- Hosted on Github Pages
- The main header is a Julia set I computed many years ago
- The font is Reforma 1969
- The code font is Monoid
- The drop caps are from the Byrne font by Nicholas Rougeaux
- The break decoration font is Nymphette
- Uses MathJax in some pages
- Uses D3.js
- Uses p5.js (indirectly, from my Sketches posts)
- Uses Lars Jung’s Pagemap (for some long posts)
- Posts are either written in Spacemacs or Visual Studio Code
- Most images come from Unsplash
- Images are edited using Affinity Photo
- Lists of stuff to read are kept on Things
If I have forgotten to mention anything you are curious about, ping me on twitter