From flickr
A few months ago, I realised I was checking some pages frequently for changes. They were some congress pages, and I was waiting for them to add information about registration and such.
Then I realised I could write a script to do it, using diff and wget. You can get it below. You have to edit it to add the pages you want to follow, then run it with the “write” option to download the first version, then edit your crontab file (crontab -e) to run it every day at a specified time with the “diff” option.
Using emacs on the go in your iPod Touch / iPhone Maybe you remember a previous post on installing vMac, a Mac Plus emulator for the iPod Touch. I did it just for the geek factor… and for being able to edit things with Emacs. I have emacs installed:
But what’s the use of emacs, without files to edit? It didn’t bother me… at first. Keep on reading for how to keep in sync files edited inside the vMac emacs and files in your Linux box, along with the “why should I use emacs in my iPod/iPhone?
Although this looks like a all-free / no taste cake, it is wonderful. And of course, at it is gluten, dairy and egg free, almost everyone can eat it. What you will need:
1 measure soy yogurt 1 measure dark brown sugar (we used Tate&Lyle Dark Brown Sugar) 1 measure gluten-free flour 1/4 measure oil 1 teaspoon baking powder Here measure depends on how much iogurt do you have.
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or whatever you feel like doing
Stochastic hill-climbing algorithm to approximate a picture by triangles (algorithm and source code). This image contains 48 images out of 1000, from iterating for 11000 generations the evolution code. The source image is the last square in the tile set.
Bon Nadal!
Feliz Navidad!
Merry Christmas!
Joyeux Nöel!
Buon Natale!
Frohe Weihnachten!
Mutlu Noeller!
This is a follow up of my previous post on Retro on iPod Touch. Previously I reviewed Mini vMac Apple Mac Plus emulator. This time also comes an emulator (sort of). ScummVM is self-described as a collection of game engine recreations, and is available for several platforms (Mac, Windows and Linux at least… also several handhelds and game consoles). For me, its main use is to replay old LucasArts graphical adventures.
With GIMP’s “Map to sphere”
A few years ago, while I was still mainly a Windows user, I read ‘Pragmatic programmer: From journeyman to master’, and learnt about Version Control Systems. You know, SVN, CVS, Git, Darcs. As I was just a single user working locally (just wanted the incremental and logged backups), I installed RCS. Almost the oldest, and in some sense the most simple. It can work locally, just with a file of delta (text added from one revision to the next) which is a plain text, human readable file.