Whistle control your computer (Linux&Mac)
5 minutes read | 994 words by Ruben BerenguelAround a year ago, I stumbled into this lifehacker page, suggesting an IBM-developerWorks tutorial on how to install a just 3 things to your system to be able to… whistle control your computer. Whistle a tune, open Firefox. Things like these. You know how geeky I am, I had to try it. Smaller problem: the tutorial is for Linux/Windows and I was on a Mac. Bigger problem: it is slightly outdated and short on some details. And the script had a small problem that had to be solved.
In this post you will find
- How to install a modified sndpeek in Mac (OS X 10.5.8) and Linux (Ubuntu 9.04+Fluxbox)
- Modifications needed by cmdWhistle.pl, the main whistly script to run in Mac OSX
- Modifications I needed to compile sndpeek in Ubuntu
- How to use it
- Examples
Instructions for MacOS X
The first and most important ingredient is having th set of compilers… if you don’t have gcc and the developer-related software, you can’t do anything. Assuming you do (your “Extra” CD of Mac OS installation contains everything needed), you’ll need to download:
from here. Browse to the bottom of this page, it is where I got the instructions. You should take a look at it. -
source from here
After you have the source code, go to your editor of choice, open src/sndpeek/sndkpeek.cpp and add the following line
just after (yes, I know the following line is damn long!)
fprintf( stdout, "%.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f ",
mfcc(0), mfcc(1), mfcc(2), mfcc(3), mfcc(4), mfcc(5), mfcc(6), mfcc(7), mfcc(8), mfcc(9), mfcc(10), mfcc(11), mfcc(12) );
fprintf( stdout, "\\n" );
This refreshes the printout every so often to the terminal window, to interact with the script. Now open a terminal window, navigate to src/sndpeek and type make osx. It worked for me just out of the box… if you run into some problem… ask Google, then ask me, although Google is a best bet. Then, sudo make install, so you can execute it. Now go to a terminal and try to execute sndpeek. It should give you some nice output like the following image, if your microphone works and you are whistling.
After this, I needed to create the set of intermediate perl headers from C headers… Because cmdWhistle complained about them. I found the info here. You just have to (corrected a typo: thanks Rhettigan!)
sudo cd /usr/include
sudo h2ph \*.h \*/\*.h
from a terminal window.
After this you can try to get some whistles in, but in my case, the script didn’t work: it wasn’t able to get correctly the time of day (via gettimeofday()
in the C
headers). To test it, go to the folder where you have cmdWhistle
, and write
sndpeek --nodisplay --print | perl cmdWhistle.pl -c
and whistle a couple of times (a simple whistle, repeated two times with a small delay from one to the other, then remain silent for a couple seconds). You should get something like this output:
enter a tone sequence: Tone: 77.00 ## last: [925263] curr: [0] difference is: 925263 Tone: 81.00 ## last: [925848] curr: [925263] difference is: 585 place the following line in /Users/ruben/.toneFile
77.00 81.00 _#_ 0 585 _#_ (command here) _#_
If you don’t, probably means your time-getting code also don’t work. Go and edit cmdWhistle by adding the following
use Time::HiRes;
after use strict;
and replace subs getEpochSeconds
and getEpochMicroSeconds
sub getEpochMicroSeconds {
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday;
sub getEpochSeconds {
my ($seconds, $microseconds) = Time::HiRes::gettimeofday;
and it should work by now. Try it again. If it doesn’t… well, ask again.
Instructions for Linux (more or less distro-agnostic)
It should be easier in Linux. You also need to download, configure
, make
sudo make install
the library libsndfile
here. Then follow the steps from Mac
OSX, editing sndpeek.cpp
. Now try to make linux-alsa
, or make linux-oss
depending on which sound system do you have installed. I couldn’t get any one
working… so I just went to synaptics package manager, installed ALSA’s
developer libraries, and tried again make linux-alsa
. All went fine… until
compiling src/maryas/LPC.cpp
. The compiler complained about the use of abs
, the
integer version of fabs
, claiming it was undeclared. Just edit src/maryas/LPC.h
and add stdlib.h
to the set of includes. It should work. Follow the directions
for the Mac OS if it compiled now.
In a follow up story son I will give a patch I wrote to use it in my Aspire
one… The microphone is not that accurate, and sndpeek+cmdWhistle
always give
511 as a signal received (in a sndpeek image you can always see a peak).
How to Control Your Computer by Whistling?
The idea is to whistle a certain sequence of tones, and map it into a certain command. For example, you whistle a part of a tune you like… this opens Firefox. The first part, is to turn this tune into a set of tones and times. To do so,
sndpeek --nodisplay --print | perl cmdWhistle.pl -c
and just whistle to it. Then wait for a few seconds. The output should be as above, the important information is the last line:
place the following line in /Users/ruben/.toneFile
77.00 81.00 _#_ 0 585 _#_ (command here) _#_
Follow its advice! Open the suggested file, and this line is the set of tones
and timings. Replace (command here) by… either open /Applications/Firefox.app
or /usr/bin/firefox
. To test if it does work,
sndpeek –nodisplay –print | perl cmdWhistle.pl -v
will try to map what you whistle with the stored whistles, without stop in
verbose mode. To end it, press C-c
. To run it without output, remove the -v
Usage Example
In Mac OSX a useful command is show desktop. I have this in my notes file:
49.00 _#_ 0 _#_ osascript -e ‘tell application “System Events” to key code 103’ _#_ 103 is F11
Assuming you have the default keybindings, of course!