2022#19 Readings 🇺🇦🌻
3 minutes read | 567 words by Ruben BerenguelSlowly, very slowly, cleaning up my reading list.
Reduce Friction
Making processes faster changes a lot the dynamics of how things are done. You won’t have small commits and incremental changes if your build takes hours, you won’t test in a staging environment if setting one up takes you a lot of time and effort. Work on reducing friction pays off quickly.
The way we view free time is making us less happy
There are some tips to try to fix the situation.
The Wide and Wonderful World of Hibiscus
I love bissap, with enough sugar to get it slightly sweet. Optionally, I’ll add some pomelo peel to make it somewhat bitter. I have tried sorrel, but didn’t find cinnamon made it better.
Not My Job
This is a post about staff or higher individual contributor roles, people who are in a leadership position but with no people management duties.
French Scientist’s Photo of ‘Distant Star’ Was Actually Chorizo
High level shitposting.
How Big Tech Runs Tech Projects and the Curious Absence of Scrum
A very interesting (and long) post by Gergely Orosz.
Architecture Golf — make knowledge sharing smooth
This is a technique developed in Klarna to improve sharing across the team. It looks pretty efficient!
Writing for distributed teams
It’s an interesting approach… but being in a similar one, the problem is then exploration and discovery.
One year as a solo dev building open-source data tools without funding
This sounds like a fascinating trip from engineering manager to open-source data tools.
STAR method for interview questions
STAR stands for Situation, Task, Actions, Results.
Limiting Work In Progress as a Manager
Certainly, it’s a worthwhile goal. I try.
Thread by @GergelyOrosz on handling incoming “urgent” work requests
This is a very good approach, but sounds easier than what it is in practice.
How the world’s biggest four-day workweek trial run changed people’s lives
A few years ago I had a surplus of holidays and decided to take all Fridays off for a month and a half. It was awesome. Wouldn’t mind having a 4-day workweek.
“Nobody ever got fired for buying AWS”
It’s not exactly an apples to apples comparison. Good luck with managing that database when you need higher reliability and availability. That’s where the pain starts. Also, AWS integrates more stuff, which as you grow or add to your stack compounds in terms of how useful having everything there is. Otherwise, you’ll set up your in-house Hadoop cluster with Spark on top?
Coping with Copilot: Resistance is Futile
I have written some bits of Python with Copilot active, and I’ve been positively impressed. I’m considering paying for it once my trial runs out.