I had always wanted to play with Processing (after leafing through The
Handbook and
some years ago). My general dislike for Java or the JVM made me just play a
short amount of time with processing.js
something around 2011 (there was a
native processing.js application for iOS, I used it for a while on my iPad and
iPod Touch).
A few months ago I stumbled into the problem of Akka logging, specifically
ClassNotFoundException when using akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLoggingFilter
, just by
following the details of the Logging - SL4J section of Akka
Almost two months ago (time sure flies) I attended for the second time the conference Scala eXchange, one of the largest Scala conferences in the world, and which happens to be 1 tube stop from the office you can find me from time to time in London.
I am trying to make these posts a tradition (even if a few days late). I thought 2016 had been a really weird and fun year, but 2017 has beaten it easily. And I only hope 2018 will be even better in every way. For the record, when I say we, it means Laia and me unless explicitly changed.
It would probably be an understatement to say I’m not a gamer. Last console I got was a Game Boy, 22 years ago (IIRC). Never got a gaming PC.