For a while I have been either not LaTeXing a lot, or not using AucTeX frequently. Strange indeed! But in July, while in Göttingen I wrote part of some lecture notes of one of the courses. And again, used auctex-preview in emacs to find errors in what I was writing.
I can’t even tell how wonderful it is, to share the source with the images with the formulas. An image is worth more than a googol words.
From flickr
September is to months as Monday is to weekdays
September is again here, like a new year in more than a sense. I have no new “New Year’s promises”, since the beginning of the year. In fact, most of the things I wanted to do are already done, on the way to be done or I gave up. Well, let’s summarize what I shall do these three months to end 2009
While on Paris, I spotted several Space Invaders. Sadly, I wasn’t aware enough, as there are plenty.
Have you ever wondered how to take a screenshot remotely, via the command line in a Linux system? Here is a way to do it. At the bottom you can also find a script to move it to the root of your personal page (if you have) to open the screenshot in your browser.
I have a Lisp program running inside Slime (The Superior Lisp Interaction Mode for Emacs) in an emacs instance running in my office computer.
These days I’ve been busy programming a version of Lavaurs algorithm for the idenfication of circle chords: the abstract Mandelbrot set.
The images don’t look like much, but the output of the program is nicer: it outputs an Encapsulated PostScript file which looks sharper. But when converting to png with ImageMagick some distortion appeared.
Lavaurs chords, depth 13 cutoff
Lavaurs chords, depth 5
Lavaurs chords, depth 13
Taken from Flickr
Sometimes I view mathematical knowledge as a desert. Full of sand, some pebbles, some rocks. You can get easily lost in this dry sea, but you can also find a place to stay and add. And now, I can say I have added my small grain of sand: An entire transcendental family with a persistent Siegel disc (link to the preprint version in ArXiV). My first article, now officially “Awaiting Editorial Assistant Processing”.