Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Agile”
I took some days off for Easter, and I definitely needed them.
Skipped last week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This week has more machine learning than usual for no special reason. Posting this at 4 AM because for some reason I could not sleep and decided I may as well finish this.
This is a slightly longer edition because my reading list was overflowing with 400+ articles. I “trimmed” it down to “only” 380 during this week, I had a lot of airport time due to going to Spark Summit Europe to give a talk.
_This week is a bit light on technical content because I was attending Scala Days 2019 in Lausanne and I had enough with the talks. _
Software engineering, psychology, history. Expect a similar wide range in the future as well. You can check all my weekly readings by checking the tag here . You can also get these as a weekly newsletter by subscribing here.