Creating A6 Booklets in 7 Easy Steps
3 minutes read | 623 words by Ruben BerenguelA few weeks ago I realised that I didn’t have a printed copy of Sun Tzu’s Art
and this thought collided head on with another old thought I had: could I use
to create A6 booklets? I use it frequently to turn my papers into
handy A4 booklets (a few A4 folded in half), butI did not know if I could do it
another time to generate A5 booklets, or even another time to get a small and
nice A6 booklet
As these two thoughts collided, I decided that the best way to check was to use
as base PDF The Art of
a book available through The Project
Gutenberg. I formatted it as a LaTeX ebook
with custom sizes (to get readable fonts) and compiled using the fantastic and
powerful memoir
class. I’ll give the details of how to create ebooks with
LaTeX later this year or in the beginning of the next. I also did the same to
Arnold Bennett’s How to Live on 24 Hours a
You’ll need three TeX files, based on the one I already used in How to Create LaTeX Booklets. You can refer to that page if there is something missing in here. These files will turn the PDF successively into 2-pages per sheet to 4-pages per sheet to the final 8-pages per sheet printable booklet.
I named the files Booklet2x1.tex
, Booklet4x1.tex
and Booklet8x1.tex
pretty obvious reasons. Their contents are:
\\includepdf\[pages=-, signature=80,landscape, frame=true\]{Wrapper.pdf}
\\includepdf\[pages=-, signature=40,landscape, frame=true\]{Booklet2x1.pdf}
\\includepdf\[pages=-, signature=20,landscape, frame=true\]{Booklet4x1.pdf}
Later I realised that I did not need a5paper
in the class part. As I explained
in How to Create LaTeX
Booklets, the signature
is the number of pages per fold: in the case of a booklet, you have to aim for
the closest multiple of 4 from above to the number of pages of the PDF file. In
this case, I was lucky: the original file had 80 pages, that turned into 40 and
then into 20 (resulting in just 10 pages to print).
The building can get a little tricky, because you need to cut correctly the
booklet. That is why I used the frame=true
option of pdfpages, this draws a
thin line around the pages for a easy cutting process.
Start by compiling the first tex
file with pdflatex
, and follow with the
other files until you have Booklet8x1.pdf
and print it two sided.
You start with a bunch of pages resulting from the TeX files above
Cut in half to get a few A5 pieces.
And repeat to get A6 slices. Beware! You have to cut to have an A6 booklet consisting of A7 pages, not separate A7 pages!
You’ll end with a bunch of small groups of 2 pages (4 pages per sheet). Pile them in a way that the numbers are consecutive. Keep in mind that you will be folding in half, thus on the left you will have page 2 and the right side you will have page 79. On top of this you need to have page 3 and page 78 (covering pages 2 and 79), and so on. If you don’t get it know, you’ll understand it once you have the pages in front of you, don’t worry.
Once you have them neatly folded in half and piled, place them over a soft cloth and staple them along the spine. I usually get by with 2 staples, but feel free to go with one or add a third or fourth.
You are done! Enjoy your pocket reading. If you wish, you can cover in plastic the booklet, it will last longer.