Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “NanoNote”
Using Taskwarrior Instead Of Emacs+Org Mode For To-Do And Appointment Tracking
6 minutes read | 1189 words
One of my fractal images
I have a confession to make: I’m not using emacs+org mode to keep my to-do list and appointments. What? The same emacs junkie that used emacs for (almost) everything last December gave up emacs? Yes, the same, but only gave up for this use case. I have some good reasons about why I am using TaskWarrior. Which does not mean that I could not be using emacs for the same, I just wanted to try something new.
Yes, that’s me with a polariser.
Wait, playing Dungeon Crawl
in your Nanonote?
Installing Debian on the Ben is pretty easy after the work of the people at I follow mostly their instructions which can befound here.
The first step is installing the package xburst-tools, following the instructions from the Qi Hardware Wiki about reflashing your Ben Nanonote.
The package can be downloaded in .deb format for Debian-like distributions.
It’s been already a week since I started my emacs 30 day challenge, and it is time for an update on how it is going and what packages I am using. I’ll start giving configuration updates along the way, I’m still fiddling with them. You can check also my post about using gnus to read mail with Gmail.
Browsing with Conkeror The same day I started my 30 day challenge, the emacs focused blog emacs-fu posted a wonderful article highlighting the conkeror web browser (not to be confused with Konqueror, the standard browser in KDE based desktops).
Yacas is an advanced computer algebra system, with its own programming language and a lot of handful operators available.
It comes handy when you need to do that odd symbolic computation which is too big to handle by hand (or you are plain lazy).
By looking at the wikipedia entry, I discovered an startling truth: as of 2009, yacas is no longer maintained.
I should have guessed, because yacas does not compile out of the box (the program needed to generate the manuals does not compile), and this led to some naïve patching (just removing all instances of said program…).
A week without writing here. A week with little thesis related work done. But it has also been a week with ideas and things and such. You know, two weeks ago I was in Dresden for a conference. Lots of parallel sessions, and quite a few time to think. This post is mostly a digest from my life bookmarks for these two weeks.
Several complex dynamic ideas: Unrelated to my thesis, but I’ve been thinking about them these days.
Last saturday I was in a porting mood, and tackled two interesting packages to have in the Ben NanoNote: yacas and 4th.
Yacas (Yet Another Computer Algebra System) is a very interesting application to have in such a small device. The best calculator I have used is my old faithful HP49g. But in these days, it is bulky, heavy and slow. It was superseded by m48 (a HP48+ emulator) inside my iPod Touch.
Yes, you can! Adding colors to terminal output is possible. You already know it, from ls –color In this post I show you a script that does it, in a simple way. I don’t have a full range of colors implemented, but you can find all here.
This is the sed-processed output given by Gcal. The original source looks like
As you can see, I used as identifiers XML-like expressions.
The Ben NanoNote has very few applications, as of now. And one it has (among a few nice others), is Gcal. I didn’t know what Gcal was, and the Qi hardware wiki page on Gcal pointed me to this quite nice tutorial: The many uses of Gcal.
The tutorial is quite good, but somewhat long, and lacks a few specific examples, so I decided to write just what I read in that tutorial, mixed with the uses I am putting it to, so it is more a Gcal use cases than a full blown tutorial like that.
Screenshot compositing, made with free software
Since I bought the Nanonote, I have been finding new uses for it. Music player, note taker, voice recorder. I can also use it to start learning Python again, or Perl, which are (together with Lua) the languages currently installed by default.
After my first successful port (gnugo), I decided to try something else, and while idling at the train I thought that pMARS, the portable Memory Array Redcode Simulator was probably a good bet.
Since I bought the Ben NanoNote, I thought I needed to port something to it, as the biggest point with the NanoNote is developing to it, as its wiki says.
David Reyes, from Tuxbrain did a great work by porting gnuchess to the Nano and documenting it in his blog.
Of course, I want to port big things, but I’m not a great Linux guy, just average, so this tutorial makes a great starting point.
The Ben NanoNote: smaller than my wallet!
The Ben NanoNote: A computer smaller than my wallet If you are new here, have a look around and if you like what you find, don’t forget to subscribe.
Today I received by post my Ben NanoNote, from Tuxbrain. What is it? A palmtop computer, really small. It has also really small specs… small screen, small keyboard, little RAM, and so on.