Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Haskell”
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End of year cleanup, so a lot of goodies this time
As usual, skipping an edition means a longer collection later on.
Looks like my mojo is coming back.
This is not an overly long list, but covers a surprisingly large amount of topics.
Sweet, sweet holidays.
This is also a video-heavy edition, I keep chugging along my watch list with Glancer
The video edition
My reading list is at less than 10 items, so now my readings posts will hopefully look closer to watchings. My watch-later list is at more than 90.
I have been on holidays this week, playing VR and preparing videos for an online Python event I co-organise.
I am having a very hard time finishing my summary of the RDD paper.
I have played a ton of virtual table tennis this week.
I have read quite a bit this week, I’m also preparing a summary of the RDD paper.
I have dropped the Weekly from the title. It was about time.
This is a bit late because I have automated something.
I have been on holidays, which has resulted in a lot of reading, mostly books.
After my happy experience with Haskell rewriting the ticketiser from Python to Haskell, I moved next on my list of rewrites.
I am on holidays (starting yesterday)! Two weeks of probably more programming than usual 🤣
This one is actually making it on time. Don’t get used to it.
This is a project recap on writing some non-super-trivial Haskell for the first time.
I should remove the Weekly moniker of these posts and emails. They are done when they are done. Enjoy!
Ever tried.
Ever failed.
No matter.
Try again.
Fail again.
Fail better.
Yeah, I skipped last week. On Saturday Python Barcelona organised PyDay 2019, and I was one of the organisers aside from giving a workshop on PySpark, so I felt pretty tired on Sunday. Of course this means this is a double issue.
This week there is a lot of functional programming (mostly Scala, a bit of Haskell) and data engineering topics. Of course, there is also the usual random stuff I find interesting as well (and other engineering topics).
A mixed bag of interesting history tidbits sprinkled with Haskell code, Scala stuff, data engineering systems and practices, and how to code with your voice.
This feels like a heavy engineering edition. A lot of Haskell, Rust, Python and Scala. There’s still a bit of everything, but this will appeal hardcore developers more than usual.
Some data engineering, a bit of Haskell, programming music, Python and random bits and bobs. I recommend you play with the third. Several good books this week, as I have ramped up my reading: current goal would be 52 this year.
I have been pretty busy lately, and although reading doesn’t stop, my writing sometimes takes a hiatus.
Data engineering, adtech, history, apple. Expect a similar wide range in the future as well. You can check all my weekly readings by checking the tag here . You can also get these as a weekly newsletter by subscribing here.